Mailing Address while in the Missionary Training Center

If you would like to keep in contact with Stephanie through letters while she's serving her mission, her current address at the mission home is below.

Sister Stephanie Crandall
Washington Kennewick Mission
8656 W Gage Blvd Ste 205
Kennewick, WA 99663

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

{Week Seven}

Dear Family,

It has been quite the week. It seems like lots of people have just opened up with us; whether for good or for bad... but we still love them and work with them.
Before I forget! Cause I have for the last 4 weeks, Katelyn, My companion knows David Archuletta... he sang at her birthday party once because he was there and her mom asked him too ;) haha... kinda funny...
This week we tracted a ton! We had some successful people too that we are going to try back with! We knocked on this one guys house and he said, "My grandma was a Mormon from Idaho and her last name was Garrett and I use to move pipe for her in the summer times!" I told him I was from Idaho and that I was sorry he had to move pipe and then he asked us if we wanted to come in. We took him up on the offer! Turns out she was from Idaho and this guy, Martin Hausser has family in Rexburg, the Killpatricks, the ones that do Cedar Badge! haha... so Clay, next time you go to a CB meeting... I can't remember their names, but remembered the last name and that he did CB. :) We had a great time visiting with him and he said he would like to have us come back. He and his wife aren't very religious any more and they send their son to a baptist church on Wednesday nights only because a bus comes and picks him up. He was playing legos and reminded me a bit of Clay ;) So that was one good door that was opened up to us.

Down the next few doors no one was interested. Then we got invited in to another house by a man and his wife. They started by wanting to bible bash, but we left our scriptures in the car since they are heavy. He offered us his "New Age Bible" and said it was the same, but since it is completely different, we didn't use it. So he started to church bash us with really random questions. I guess they weren't that random, but they weren't ones that people usually ask. He grew up with a Best friend that was Mormon, and he knew a lot. He kept asking us questions and trying to prove us wrong on stuff, but when we testify and say that we know something is... it hard to have something to say back to that. We probably wont go back for a while since he isn't interested in the church, but more about bashing religions. It was just intresting.
We also tracted into an interesting fellow. He was completely racist and wierd. Even though he claimed he has a phd, he was not all that smart... but then this morning I read from the March Ensign (i finished an dloved it!) about "The Healer's Art" By Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi... It was fantastic! It made complete sense!
So I want to tell you of an experience of visiting with a family. The Mom and kids just got baptized so we still visit them everynow and then to check up and see how they are doing. It was my turn to give the dinner thought and so I was trying to find a scripture to share with them. I couldn't find one that I wnted, nor did one ever pop into mind during dinner, but Katelyn's last week letter came to mind. In Katelyn's letter to me, she told me about the missionaries challenging everyone to make personal study better. And she asked how I make my study good. I thought about how to answer and told her it was finding a purpose. So I decided to share with this family the importance of making our personal study better and decided to ask them to make theirs better. As I started telling them about Katelyn, I was all of a sudden asking them how they could make their family scripture study more spiritual. Giving hem time to answer, Rocky and Jewlz said that it didn't exist and that starting woul be a good place to start. Their Children, Judy and Dacota agreed and they are now doing this each night as a fmaily! I am so excited for them! They are excited about it as well!
Well, more happened this week, but I guess most of all, my testimony was strengthed that the gospel is true no matter what questions come my way. Sometimes we don't know all the answers because God has not reviled everything to us. But he knows all and I know that he loves me and has given me an opportunity to share his message with his children!
I love you all so much!
 Sister Stephanie Crandall
P.S. Des, we don't get much snow here ;)

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